How to Organise the Perfect Teacher Binders!
Ensuring a successful and organized academic year starts with having well-structured Teacher Binders. These binders are the hub for all your essential documents, offering a seamless approach to accessing vital student data when you need it the most. In this blog post, discover the importance of having teacher binders that are not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing. Plus, access free printables to kickstart your journey to the most organized year yet!

Admit it, we’ve all been there – scrambling to collect work samples, hunting down data sheets, or spending precious time searching for parent contact details. Confession time: I’ve done it all! But fear not, as I’ve found a system that works wonders for me, and I’m excited to share it with you for FREE! With these teacher binders, all your assessment pieces, student information, and anecdotal notes will be in one easily locatable place – double YAY!
What’s Inside the Download?
Unlock a treasure trove of organisational bliss with our free downloadable content, including:
- Editable covers featuring 10 designs for personalisation in PowerPoint.
- Editable spine labels for easy identification.
- Checklist and recording sheet templates for efficient tracking.
- Student information and recording sheet templates.
- Editable whole class ongoing monitoring and notes page.

Let’s Dive Into the Binders I’ve Set Up for My Classroom:
1. Curriculum Documents Binder
Having this binder set up is the ultimate organisational tool! Keep track of all the curriculum documents that your school uses. Having a central place for all this information is a game-changer!
2. Student Records Binder
This is a great binder to keep medical information, parent communication, behaviour plan, Individualised Learning Plans and any other student information sheets that you might collect over the year! You can also print off a student information sheet and a parent contact log to keep track of parent communication throughout the year!
3. Reading Assessment Binder
Keep all your reading assessments in one place by keeping them all together by having a plastic pocket for each student in your class! This way, it is easy to locate the data for each child throughout the year.
4. Letter and Word Assessment Binder or Word Assessment Binder
Keep track of all your letter and word assessments by adding them to this binder. Again, have a plastic pocket for each student to find everything you need immediately!
5. Maths Assessment Binder
This is another binder where you can add things that your school uses – get those plastic pockets back out and label one for each student. As you complete different formal assessments or pre or post-assessments in each class – just add it to the students’ plastic pocket!
6. Writing Assessment Binder
This binder is like your Reading Assessment or Maths Assessment Binder but for Writing! This is one of my favourite binders, and it has changed how I complete my Progression Points for Writing at reporting time! YAY! You guessed it – you will need some more plastic pockets, one for each student! Twice a term, I take a writing sample from each student – either random or a school-wide moderation piece- and analyse it using the Mackenzie, Skull and Munsie Writing Analysis Tool. You can also download a printable copy here!
And Now, My Favourite – Whole Class Ongoing Monitoring and Notes Page
Revolutionize your note-taking with this resource. Edit the page to feature a box for each child, print out as many as you need, and enjoy the convenience of quickly jotting down notes for various activities. A complete game-changer for busy teachers!

By embracing these free printables and implementing the suggested binders in your classroom, you’re not just streamlining administrative tasks but transforming how you manage information. With each binder serving a specific purpose, from curriculum documents to ongoing monitoring, you’ll find yourself better equipped to meet the diverse needs of your students. So, let’s embark on this organised adventure together!
Remember to teach big and change the world!
Love, Tess